if there is a chance to deep dive into topic, check out:
macOS and Windows favorite workflow tools
Password Manager
Windows: KeePass
MacOS: KeePass based MacPass
FTP Client
Windows: Total Commander
macOS: ForkLift
Windows: Launchy + Everything
macOS: Alfred
Container Encryption
Windows: VeraCrypt
macOS: VeraCrypt
Games Faster Than Light
Windows: Faster Than Light direct download
macOS: via Steam
SSH to Raspberrypi
Windows: putty
macOS: terminal native e.g. ssh raspberrypi -l pi (if you want to login with pi as username)
Hoerbert App
Windows: native Hoerbert App
macOS: native Hoerbert App for macOS
VNC to Raspberry Pi
Windows: VNC Client
macOS: native via Screen Sharing.app / Bildschirmfreigabe.app ! add .local to your hostname e.g. raspberrypi.local:5901FTP Client
Windows: Total Commander
macOS: ForkLift
Windows: Launchy + Everything
macOS: Alfred
Container Encryption
Windows: VeraCrypt
macOS: VeraCrypt
Games Faster Than Light
Windows: Faster Than Light direct download
macOS: via Steam
SSH to Raspberrypi
Windows: putty
macOS: terminal native e.g. ssh raspberrypi -l pi (if you want to login with pi as username)
Hoerbert App
Windows: native Hoerbert App
macOS: native Hoerbert App for macOS
VNC to Raspberry Pi
Windows: VNC Client
macOS: native via Screen Sharing.app / Bildschirmfreigabe.app ! add .local to your hostname e.g. raspberrypi.local:5901
Backup robocopy on Windows rsync on MAC
Windows robocopy based backup
create backup.cmd file with following content
Robocopy „C:\Pictures“ „N:\Backup\Pictures“ /FFT /MIR /COPY:DT /DCOPY:T /R:1 /W:1
Robocopy „C:\Musik“ „N:\Backup\Musik“ /FFT /MIR /COPY:DT /DCOPY:T /R:1 /W:1
source: own script developed in last years
Mac OS rsync based backup
rsync -rt --delete --progress ~/Documents/Picture /Volumes/NAS/backup/
used options in rsync
–delete most critical option, ensures deletion of files on destination, if destination have more files compared to source directory
–progress shows progress in the bash, quite informative if you want to see what’s going on during the backup
-r transverse all subdirectories contained within the source directory and copy the subdirectories and their content to the destination directory
-t preserve timestamps of source files
more information in source:Â https://blog.macsales.com/45185-mac-101-learn-the-power-of-rsync-for-backup-remote-archive-systems
How to create and run script on MAC without 3rd party apps
- start bash
- open the editor vi and learn to navigate with :i ESC :w :q :wq :q!
- enter the code
#! /bin/bash rsync -rt --delete --progress ~/Documents/Picture /Volumes/NAS/backup/
- Â run the script in bash
hostname:Documents user$ sh backuptest.sh
- or via double click but therefore you need (source)
chmod a+x backuptest.sh + associate the sh with Terminal.app
- or make it executable from Spotlight by
- rename from *.sh to *.command
set rights with chmod +x *.command
Masterthesis – Vorgehensmodell zur Zusammenfuehrung von IT Architekturen
Anbei meine Thesis zur freien VerfĂŒgung.
Titel: Vorgehensmodell zur ZusammenfĂŒhrung von IT-Architekturen
Feedback als Kommentar ist herzlich willkommen!
Download:Â https://www.boxler-online.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Masterthesis_Eugen_Boxler.pdf
Dashboardkatharsis Definition
Definition nach Florian D. und Eugen B. vom 16. Mai 2017
Bei einer Dashboardkatharsis handelt es sich um eine Bereinigung des Dashboards von unnötigen, visuellen oder formalisierten Details. Dabei ist das Ziel gemÀà dem klassischen Oxymoron mit weniger, mehr zu erreichen. Im Falle eines Dashboards Erhöhung der Aussagekraft, Fokus auf das Wesentliche.
Beispielelemente die weggelassen werden können: Beschriftung der Achsen, wenn aus dem Inhalt bereits der Kontext ersichtlich ist. Linien, wenn Grenzen durch Anordnung einzelner Graphen oder des Inhalts bereits gegen ist.
Weitere Beispiele sind herzlich willkommen!